Software documentation: Online Help Guides; Installation and User Manuals

Software background

For many years, I was in Technical Sales and Training on software systems for different companies, and one of my duties was to create the online Help Guides. In the late 1990s I used ForeHelp, and later migrated to Adobe RoboHelp. These Help Guides were created to be inherently user-friendly, with a good index and full search facilities.

Before I set up my technical authoring business in 2000, I was promoted to Software Product and QA Manager for some years.  I was particularly keen on good Usability, the idea being that the end user should find the user interface to be instinctive to use, without reference to the Help Guide. My Key Adage for the programmers was "DON'T MAKE ME GUESS!"

If the user needs further Help, then a proper Help Guide needs to be instantly accessible, easy to use, well-indexed and to have a really good keyword search, backed up with a full text search facility. Good design meant that I achieved these goals.

These efforts reduced the level of support calls - which saved the company a lot of resources that they could then focus on more creative areas. They are also a good sales aid.


With this background, I'm happy to create Manuals or online Help for your software. If you wish, I can also suggest improvements to software operation and the user interface.